Believe it or not, you can reverse your biological age through simple lifestyle changes and delicious food! While chronological age can only move in one direction, this is not true for your biological age. One recent study showed that participants reduced their bio age by over three years in only eight weeks!
It’s important to know your epigenetics (not genes) are what actually determine your age and level of health. DNA methylation plays a key role in influencing epigenetics and bio age.
What is Methylation?
Methylation is a chemical reaction in the body. A small molecule, called a methyl group, gets added to DNA, proteins, or other molecules. This addition of methyl groups can affect how some molecules act in the body. When “optimal methylation” occurs, it has a significant positive impact on many biochemical reactions in the body. In turn, these reactions regulate the activity of the cardiovascular, neurological, reproductions, and detoxification systems. They play an important role in DNA production, neurotransmitter production, detoxification, histamine metabolism, estrogen metabolism, eye health, fat metabolism, cellular energy, liver health, and more.
You can think of the body as a very complex machine, with “gears and switches” that need to be functioning properly to operate optimally. Methylation and demethylation (opposite action) are mechanisms that help the gears to turn, and enables biological switches to be turned on or off for a host of systems in the body. Proper methylation influences often gets overlooked. It touches many systems that severely impact how well your body functions. You can improve this cycle, which will help your body’s system to run well and enable you to feel better as you age! “We don’t have to accept a descent into disease and unwellness as we age!”
How can you improve the Methylation Cycle?
– Eat whole-food and non-processed food
– Eat more asparagus, avocado, broccoli, Brussel sprouts, green, leafy vegetables, rice, and legumes (peas, beans, lentils)
– Physical exercise
– Don’t smoke
– Avoid excessive alcohol and coffee consumption
– Active folate
– Vitamin B12
– Vitamin B6
– Vitamin B2
– Magnesium
– Betaine (trimethylglciycine)
– Vitamin D
Try this recipe to empower your body: The perfect snack on the go!
1 cup sunflower seeds
1 cup pumpkin seeds
1 cup almonds (sliced or roughly chopped)
1 cup walnuts, roughly chopped
1.5 cups dried shredded coconut, unsweetened
1.5 tsp salt
3 Tbsp matcha powder
2 Tbsp coconut oil
2 Tsp water
1/2 tsp stevia or monk fruit powder (or 1 Tbsp maple syrup)
1. Preheat oven to 300. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper
2. In a large bowl combine the seeds, nuts, coconut oil, salt, and matcha. Mix well.
3. In a small saucepan, melt coconut oil until completely liquid. Add water and sweetener and stir.
4. Add the coconut oil mixture to the dry mixture and toss to evenly distribute.
5. Spread mixture onto baking sheet and press down until surface is even.
6. Bake 12-15 mins or until the nuts and seeds are toasted/turning light golden brown.
7. Remove from oven and allow to cool.
8. Keeps in airtight container for several weeks.
ENJOY it sprinkled on top of unsweetened coconut milk yogurt or pour almond milk over it to eat it like a cereal. Top with a handful of your favorite berries.