Additional Therapies:
The following therapies can support healing as adjunct to supplementation.
1. Vagus Nerve Stimulation (ask Dr. Maria for a handout)
2. Gentle yoga and Tai Chi
3. Forrest bathing
4. Sun light exposure for 2 hrs a day: 2-10 mins at sunrise and sunset
(expose trunk of body to sunlight)
5. Meditation and mindfulness practice/training
6. Limbic system retraining: used for many years to treat chronic fatigue syndrome/myalgic encephalomyelitis, pain, fibromyalgia, MCAS, mood disorders, and POTS.
*Ashok Gupta has an excellent program at https://www.guptaprogram.com
If you are suffering from any of these conditions and would like help with overcoming them, please contact Dr. Maria Belluccio at info@lotuspathwellness.com or 813-964-0847.